2013 Blessings

A blessing I received from one of my Christian teachers, Sr Mary Dennison.

May the true message of Christmas
Dwell in your heart as you treasure
The Mystery of Incarnation

May the light of the Christmas
Candle brighten in dark places within
May you be blessed with the eyes
Of a child as you open to the wonder
Of every moment.

May the song of the angels echo
In your life bringing a message of
Comfort and hope

May the stillness of the night
Deepen your desire to rest silently
In God’s presence

May you find the courage to open
The door of your heart to all
Those who challenge your
Compassion and patience

May the coming year be one of
Support and challenge for you
May you experience inner
Freedom and growth

May your restless heart be filled
With peace
A deep peace that lasts throughout
The year

May you carry this peace into
Our world
May you be blessed this Christmas

– Ger Holton

*Incarnation as I understand it: the potential meeting place and manifestation of all dimensions of existence in human experience for individuals and communities – what I refer to in Being Prayer as meditating space.

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